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Giswater 2.0 was deployed in Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

BGEO has brough its experience in the geotechnological field applied to infrastructures management, forming part of the firms consortium that achieved the project of management and control of drinking water supply and sewerage system of Sao Caetano do Sul municipality located in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, headed by ADTS, CPS Enghenaria and the Water and Sewage Department of Sao Caetano do Sul (DAE) as final client.

The project, that aimed to reduce water losses in the network, implements a Geographic Information System connected to the telemetry elements and to the commercial datas, resulting in the possibility to realize the hydraulic model or service index calculations through a totally integrated way in the system, using network datas with constantly updated information.

Thanks to this project and other ones also being developed in parallel, the passage to the Giswater 2.0 version is already a reality that will bring those and other important developments.

Giswater is an open source tool for the integrated water management. Two years after the first release of this innovative software, it already counts more than 10.000 downloads all around the world.


Among the mean improvements that are oriented to networks management, the more important are:

The network arc-node topology is maintained, management catalogs are increased and review and topological validation tools are incorporated.

-The new version permits to realize multi-scenario analysis of the mathematic model results.

It is prepared to easily attach field datas received through mobile devices for all types of tasks, operations and maintenance.

-It is also prepared to be put into operation in a corporative environment with audit and log functions.

The version 2.0 will be available for download at the beginning of 2017 in

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